The Saucepot’s Lunchbox

As many of you will know, working a busy commuter’s lifestyle can make it difficult to keep up a good routine with what you eat. I work in the middle of Soho surrounded by lots of lovely restaurants and cafes which makes it so easy to go out and buy something indulgent and delicious every day. This also works out pretty expensive. So in an effort to save money and eat better I decided to take control and really put the effort into bringing my own lunches to work and making them varied, tasty, exciting and most importantly healthy.

The thing I probably find most difficult is coming up with ideas for something different, without going and buying lots of crazy ingredients every week. Hopefully this might inspire you to start making your own lunches for the office and give you a few ideas. Don’t worry I won’t be posting my lunch every single day (that could get incredibly boring!) but will try and give you a varied selection of ideas so you don’t have to resort to the old cheese and ham roll everyday!